Thomas Eichholz was born on July 27, 1963 in Weimar, Thuringia and has lived in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern since 1965. He attended grammar school in Stralsund from 1980 to 1982. He has always seen art as the most precious gift of his life. In 1983, he began a self-taught art course in Weimar. During this time, he met artists such as Bernd Schlothauer, Thomas Rug and Frank Rudigkeit, which were partly teachers for him. In 1984, he traveled to the major Paul Klee exhibition at the Albertinum in Dresden for several weeks to work. Artistically, Momass grew up under the indirect influence of the Bauhaus Weimar and the Weimar School of Painting.
In 1987 his artistic work was interrupted by military service in the NVA, which had a drastic effect on the course of his life. The year 1989 stands for a new beginning in his artistic work. In 2001, due to the inspiring pronunciation of his first name by his little nieces, he decided to use the artist name Momass and founded the Momass Group. On September 28, 2018, Thomas Eichholz passed away at the age of 55 in Stralsund, where he lived and worked since 1990.
His thoughts are reflected in his paintings....
»Everything is mystery and revelation, but the ultimate truth rests in silence, the ultimate reality is inexpressible, unspeakable. The deepest sense of truth is open and wide. All I seek is the beginning..«
You can find a list of his exhibitions below:
© 2021 Momass Art. Alle Rechte an den Bildern und Fotografien sind der Familie des Künstlers Momass vorbehalten.